

Friday, July 15, 2016

Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year!

 Physical Science – Mrs. Kelly

school phone: 559-877 -2215

Welcome to the North Fork Elementary 8th Grade Physical Science class.  This year you can look forward to learning all about what makes up the entire universe.  We will learn about atoms and energy and the solar system, waves and light.  You will learn about what makes up matter and study the interactions between matter and energy.  The physical science class will also teach you how to design, conduct, and report on valid experiments.  

Astrocamp for all North Fork 7th and 8th 

Grade students.

September 19-21

Stay tuned for further directions!

Classroom expectations are clear and simple; be an active learner who contributes to the positive environment of the classroom.  If you are not sure if what you are about to do or say is appropriate, ask yourself if your action will enhance learning.  If not, don’t do it.

Here are the ABC’s of your physical science class…

Absences can cause a student to fall behind.    If you have missed class you can check the science web site, email me or text me or a fellow student.  Please stay after school if you need my help.  

Attendance will be taken promptly when the bell rings.  If you are not in your assigned seat when attendance is taken you will be marked absent or tardy.

Behave in a manner that contributes to a positive learning environment.

Cell phones are to stay in your backpack unless you are specifically requested to bring your cell phone to class for educational purposes.  

Enter the classroom when you are ready to sit down and begin working like a student! 

Equipment can be handled only after receiving instruction.

Grades are updated online on a regular basis, generally at least once a week.  

Help I am always available for help during class, at lunch and after school by appointment.

Homework is due at the beginning of class.    If your dog eats your homework, contact me before class so we can plan appropriately.

Materials are of utmost importance.  Since you will not have a textbook at home, your notebook is your lifeline.  Maintain a 3 ring binder (or section of a binder) for all of your science work.  

Papers (IN): if you are turning in an assignment after I have collected papers from the class, place your paper in the black “IN” basket on the shelf in the front of the room.

Papers (OUT):   Graded papers are passed back to students daily.  If you were absent when papers were returned, please check the basket labeled with your class period.   

Safety is my number one concern.  All students must agree to and sign a safety contract in order to participate in science experiments.  Only students who act responsibly are awarded this privilege.

Seating assignments  are to be respected. They will change throughout the year.  If you have a health or medical concern and needed special seating, please speak to me privately.  

Teamwork is critical to our success in learning science.  All students must be willing to share their ideas and actively listen to help their team achieve success.  

Web Site for science class can be accessed through the North Fork cite or going directly to   Since you will be using the site often, you should add it to your “Favorites”.  The web site is one more tool you may use in order to be successful.

I look forward to learning with you this year.  Let’s begin!

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